A brief meeting and an art commission

Created by ewadams 12 years ago
I only met Bill once, at the 2006 Game Developers' Conference, in the Independent Game Festival. We hung out for a few minutes. I had always admired his loopy, goofy artwork that seemed so reminiscent of 1960s psychedelia with a whiff of rocket fuel thrown in, that I was really pleased to meet him. We were together so little time that my only abiding impression was that he was fun to talk to and possibly (but I may have this wrong) just a little shy under the bluff exterior. Later, when I needed a logo for my business, I turned to Bill. I'm a one-man show, distinctly of the old school in various ways, and I can't possibly have a dull, conventional corporate logo. Nor could I envision myself working with someone who didn't really know me and what I was about; and although Bill and I couldn't say that we really knew each other well, I was sure that I liked his style and playfulness. I gave him a general idea of what I was looking for and we agreed on a very reasonable price. He sent me a version, I sent back comments, and we went back and forth four or five times before I was satisfied. I was concerned not to tax his patience too much, but he seemed to be generous with his time and work on it for as long as it took. Anyway, I think it represents me pretty well and I use it on my professional documents to this day. I've attached it to this story. I can't really say that I had a personal relationship with Bill, only a business one, but his work in Weird Worlds, with its quirky little animals and other oddments, always makes me smile. And that's a blessing in and of itself.
